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Demonesses at Ravana's Palace(रावण के महल में दानव)

Demonesses at Ravana's Palace Detail from an illustration from a 16th century manuscript of Ramayana from Udaipur. This shows the ugly demonesses who are guarding Princess Sita at Ravana's palace in Sri Lanka. While Ravana lives in his luxurious palace, he is holding Sita captive in a nearby grove of Ashok trees. The women restlessly circle around their captive and torment her. As this picture shows, some of them had misshapen faces and animal heads. रावण के महल में दानव उदयपुर से 16वीं शताब्दी की रामायण की पांडुलिपि के एक दृष्टांत का विवरण। यह उन बदसूरत राक्षसों को दिखाता है जो श्रीलंका में रावण के महल में राजकुमारी सीता की रक्षा कर रहे हैं। रावण जहां अपने आलीशान महल में रहता है, वहीं सीता को पास के अशोक वृक्षों के उपवन में बंदी बनाकर रखता है। महिलाएं बेचैन होकर अपने बंदी के चारों ओर चक्कर लगाती हैं और उसे पीड़ा देती हैं। जैसा कि इस तस्वीर से पता चलता है, उनमें से कुछ के चेहरे और जानवरों के सिर गलत थे।

King Dasaratha's four sons (राजा दशरथ के चार पुत्र)

King Dasaratha's four sons Image showing the birth of the four divine sons of King Dasaratha. Dasaratha ruled a land called Koshada in northern India and his capital was Ayodha. He was unhappy however because he had no heirs. The Gods decided to grant him four sons, so that Vishnu could be reborn as a human being. A messenger of the Gods visited Dasaratha with magical food which he should feed to his wives. He gave half the food to his first wife Kausalya, one sixth to his youngest wife Kaikeyi and the rest to Sumitra, his middle wife. Eventually they all gave birth: Kausalya to Rama, who was one half of Vishnu, Kaikeyi to Bharata who was one sixth of Vishnu and Sumitra to twins, Lakshmana and Satrughna, who were both one sixth of Vishnu. In this image, Dasaratha is seated under a white canopy. Inside the palace, on the top floor to the left is Queen Sumitra with her twins. On the top floor to the right is Queen Kausalya with Rama. On the bottom floor is Queen Kaikeyi with Bhara

Birth of Rama ( राम का जन्म)

Birth of Rama This image shows the birth of Rama in the royal palace at Ayodhya. His mother was Queen Kausalya, the first wife of the King Dasaratha who ruled the land of Koshala in northern India. As soon as Rama was born, he had the physical characteristics suggesting that he was special such as reddish eyes and long arms. This was because Rama was in fact one half of the God Vishnu. The gods had willed Rama's creation, so that when he was grown up, he could rid the world the demon King Ravana. This detail is taken from a illustration in the Bala Kanda (first book of the Ramayana) from a manuscript produced in Udaipur, India in 1712. राम का जन्म यह छवि अयोध्या के शाही महल में राम के जन्म को दर्शाती है। उनकी मां रानी कौशल्या थीं, जो राजा दशरथ की पहली पत्नी थीं, जिन्होंने उत्तरी भारत में कोशल की भूमि पर शासन किया था। जैसे ही राम का जन्म हुआ, उनके पास शारीरिक विशेषताओं का सुझाव था कि वे विशेष थे जैसे कि लाल आँखें और लंबी भुजाएँ। ऐसा इसलिए था क्योंकि राम वास्तव में भगवान व

Vishnu and Laksmi (विष्णु और लक्ष्मी)

Vishnu and Laksmi Watercolour image of Vishnu reclining on a serpent, as his wife Laksmi kneels at his feet. Vishnu is the protector and preserver of the world and Laksmi is the goddess of wealth and good fortune. Vishnu is reincarnated (reborn) 10 times in different forms, and Laksmi is always reincarnated with him. In the Ramayana, Vishnu and Laksmi are reborn in the human form of King Rama and his Queen, Sita. Taken from: Vishnu and Laksmi Author / Creator: unknown Publisher: not applicable Date: 1780 Copyright: By permission of the British Library Board Shelfmark: Add.Or.2959 विष्णु और लक्ष्मी  एक नाग पर लेटे हुए विष्णु की जल रंग की छवि, जैसे उनकी पत्नी लक्ष्मी उनके चरणों में घुटने टेकती हैं। विष्णु संसार के रक्षक और पालनकर्ता हैं और लक्ष्मी धन और सौभाग्य की देवी हैं। विष्णु का अलग-अलग रूपों में 10 बार पुनर्जन्म (पुनर्जन्म) होता है, और लक्ष्मी हमेशा उनके साथ पुनर्जन्म लेती हैं। रामायण में, विष्णु और लक्ष्मी राजा राम और उनकी रानी सीता के मानव रूप में पुनर्ज

Valmiki narrating the Ramayana(वाल्मीकि रामायण सुनाते हैं)

Valmiki narrates the Ramayana Here, the Indian poet Valmiki is narrating the entire history of the Ramayana to his disciples. Valmiki lived a simple life as a poet and holy man in a hut in the forests of northern India. Valmiki was inspired to compose his verse after visits from the Gods Narada and Brahma. Valmiki had a burning question and asked Narada: who was the greatest person in the world – the most accomplished, wise and compassionate? Narada replied that the ideal human being was a famous king called Rama: “He is strong and beautiful, wise and compassionate, pure in character and loved by all. He has deeply studied the ancient wisdom, is brilliant in archery and courageous in battle. In gravity he is like the ocean, in constancy like the Himalayas and in generosity like rain”. Later Brahma came to give Valmiki divine inspiration for his verse and afterwards, Valmiki fell into a meditative trance and saw for himself the life and adventures of Rama and Sita. He composed the s

Krishna,s brother name ? कृष्णा, भाई का नाम ?

BALARAMA Balarama (Sanskrit: बलराम, IAST: Balarāma) is a Hindu god and the elder brother of Krishna. He is particularly significant in the Jagannath tradition, as one of the triad deities.[2] He is also known as Baladeva, Balabhadra, Haladhara, Halayudha, and Sankarshana. The first two epithets refer to his strength, the last two associate him with Hala (Langala, "plough")[3] from his strong associations with farming and farmers, as the deity who used farm equipment as weapons when needed.[2][4] Balarama is sometimes described as an avatar of Shesha, the serpent associated with the god Vishnu; Krishna is regarded as an avatar of Vishnu. Some traditions regard him as one of 10 principle avatars of Vishnu himself.[5][2] Balarama's significance in the Indian culture has ancient roots. His image in artwork is dated to around the start of the common era, and in coins dated to the 2nd-century BCE.[6] In Jainism, he is known as Baladeva and has been a historically significan

How many couplets are there in Ramayan? रामायण में कितने दोहे हैं?

"The Ramayana was composed in Sanskrit, probably not before 300 bce, by the poet Valmiki and in its present form consists of some 24,000 couplets divided into seven books" रामायण संस्कृत में रचा गया था, शायद 300 ईसा पूर्व से पहले नहीं, कवि वाल्मीकि द्वारा और अपने मौजूदा स्वरूप में सात पुस्तकों में विभाजित कुछ 24,000 दोहे के होते हैं