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  *रामायण में भोग नहीं, त्याग है* *भरत जी नंदिग्राम में रहते हैं, शत्रुघ्न जी  उनके आदेश से राज्य संचालन करते हैं।* *एक रात की बात हैं,माता कौशिल्या जी को सोते में अपने महल की छत पर किसी के चलने की आहट सुनाई दी। नींद खुल गई । पूछा कौन हैं ?* *मालूम पड़ा श्रुतिकीर्ति जी हैं ।नीचे बुलाया गया ।* *श्रुतिकीर्ति जी, जो सबसे छोटी हैं, आईं, चरणों में प्रणाम कर खड़ी रह गईं ।* *माता कौशिल्या जी ने पूछा, श्रुति ! इतनी रात को अकेली छत पर क्या कर रही हो बिटिया ? क्या नींद नहीं आ रही ?* *शत्रुघ्न कहाँ है ?* *श्रुतिकीर्ति की आँखें भर आईं, माँ की छाती से चिपटी, गोद में सिमट गईं, बोलीं, माँ उन्हें तो देखे हुए तेरह वर्ष हो गए ।* *उफ ! कौशल्या जी का ह्रदय काँप गया ।* *तुरंत आवाज लगी, सेवक दौड़े आए । आधी रात ही पालकी तैयार हुई, आज शत्रुघ्न जी की खोज होगी, माँ चली ।* *आपको मालूम है शत्रुघ्न जी कहाँ मिले ?* *अयोध्या जी के जिस दरवाजे के बाहर भरत जी नंदिग्राम में तपस्वी होकर रहते हैं, उसी दरवाजे के भीतर एक पत्थर की शिला हैं, उसी शिला पर, अपनी बाँह क
1 stanza. Arjun said - O Krishna!  You praise the renunciation of deeds and then Karmayoga.  Therefore, which one of these two is a well-defined means of welfare for me, say that   ॥1

गाय से जुड़ी कुछ रोचक जानकारी ।

#Some interesting information related to cow.  1. Standing at the place where Gau Mata breathes peace with joy.  Vastu doshas end there.  2. Thirty-three Koti Goddesses reside in Gau Mata.  3. The place where Goddess Mata starts rubbing with happiness, the goddess flowers flowers.  4. Tie a bell around the neck of cow mother;  A bell tied in the neck of a cow leads to cow aarti.  5. The person who worships the service of Gau Mata takes away all kinds of disasters that come upon him.  6. Nagdevata resides in the hoof of cow mother.  Snake scorpions do not come to the place where Gau Mata wanders.  7. Laxmi ji lives in cow dung.  8. Gangaji is inhabited by the mother's mother.  9. The daily purification of cow dung cakes made from cow dung on the temple premises purifies the atmosphere and provides positive energy.  10. Surya is in one eye of Cow Mother and Chandra Dev resides in the other eye.  11. The cow is the deity on this earth.  12. Cow mother is A

रामलीला की एक बहुत सुंदर कथा

# Very_pretty_fiction  4  A sadhu Maharaj was narrating the story of Shri Ramayana.  People used to come and go with joy.  Sadhu Maharaj's rule was that before starting the story everyday, he used to invoke Hanuman ji by saying "Come Hanumant Ji Birrajie", then give an hour of discourse.  A lawyer came to listen to the story everyday.  One day the rationality came to dominate the devotion of the lawyer.  He thought that if Lord Maharaj says "Come Hanumant ji birjiye" everyday, would Hanuman ji really come.  Therefore, the lawyer asked Mahatma Ji - Maharaj, you say the story of Ramayana is very good.  We get a lot of juice, but do you really sit on the throne that you give to Lord Hanuman daily?  Sadhu Maharaj said… Yes it is my personal belief that Hanuman Ji definitely visits if Ram Katha is happening.  Lawyer said - Maharaj will not make such a thing.  Hanuman ji comes here, give any proof of this.  You should prove that Hanuman ji comes to listen t
Consumption of jaggery every night in winter gives you these 10 tremendous Jaggery is such a super food that we should consume it every day, although jaggery can be consumed in any season, but in winter, jaggery should be consumed before sleeping at night, due to this we have a lot of health  If you get benefits, then today we are going to talk about these benefits.  You get these benefits by eating jaggery everyday  Jaggery is a panacea for many stomach problems, if you have gas or acidity, eating jaggery will help.  Eating jaggery, rock salt and black salt gets rid of sour pimples, eating jaggery after meals keeps the digestion good, eating jaggery also opens up hunger.  Jaggery is a source of iron, if your hemoglobin is low, then eating jaggery before bedtime every day will provide amazing benefits in a few days.  Consumption of jaggery is very beneficial even when there is anemia, especially pregnant women should consume jaggery everyday.  Molasses also acts to contr

रामायण का एक पाठ।

            Laxman ji also had tears.  God understands the language of tears.  Laxman!  I know.  If I take you into the forest together, then Ayodhya will be orphaned.  Become the king of Ayodhya and serve the parents, Guru ji.            Shri Laxman ji gave a very beautiful answer.  Guru Pitu Matu dont know Kahu.  Say Subhau Nath Patiahu.           Lord!  I neither know Gurudev nor know Mother or Father.  Nowadays many people speak in this voice - we are Lakshmana.  We also do not believe, neither to mother, nor to father, nor to master, nor to anyone.  But they do not understand this, Laxman ji did not say that Guru Pitu Matu should not be accepted.  They say - I do not know Guru ji, Father ji, Mother ji, and I feel that not knowing is ignorance and not knowing it is a crime.           Laxman ji did not say that I do not believe, I do not know.  God was very pleased.  Laxman!  So the kingdom of Ayodhya?  •••••I am short.  God said - how small are you?  If you put a bag

भगवान और भक्त का एक सच्चा रिश्ता|

Relation of the devotee and God  .  Once upon a time, a saint Jagganath was coming towards Mathura from Puri, he had a very beautiful Thakur ji.  Those saints always took with them Thakur ji and worshiped him with great love and fought the lad.  While traveling by train, Baba placed Thakur ji on his side seat and became engrossed in green discussion with other saints.  When the train stopped and all the saints landed, they were so engrossed in the satsang that the bag was kept in the cart and Thakur ji kept it in the car.  In the fun of satsang, I got so excited that I forgot to bring Thakur ji with me.  After a long time when all the saints reached the ashram of that saint and the time came to get food offerings, those loving saint searched his Thakur ji and saw that there is none of our Thakur ji.  The saints became very distraught, wept a lot but Thakur ji did not meet.  He did not accept to take food grains water of Thakur ji. Sant became very distraught