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रामायण का एक पाठ।

            Laxman ji also had tears.  God understands the language of tears.  Laxman!  I know.  If I take you into the forest together, then Ayodhya will be orphaned.  Become the king of Ayodhya and serve the parents, Guru ji.            Shri Laxman ji gave a very beautiful answer.  Guru Pitu Matu dont know Kahu.  Say Subhau Nath Patiahu.           Lord!  I neither know Gurudev nor know Mother or Father.  Nowadays many people speak in this voice - we are Lakshmana.  We also do not believe, neither to mother, nor to father, nor to master, nor to anyone.  But they do not understand this, Laxman ji did not say that Guru Pitu Matu should not be accepted.  They say - I do not know Guru ji, Father ji, Mother ji, and I feel that not knowing is ignorance and not knowing it is a crime.           Laxman ji did not say that I do not believe, I do not know.  God was very pleased.  Laxman!  So the kingdom of Ayodhya?  •••••I am short.  God said - how small are you?  If you put a bag

भगवान और भक्त का एक सच्चा रिश्ता|

Relation of the devotee and God  .  Once upon a time, a saint Jagganath was coming towards Mathura from Puri, he had a very beautiful Thakur ji.  Those saints always took with them Thakur ji and worshiped him with great love and fought the lad.  While traveling by train, Baba placed Thakur ji on his side seat and became engrossed in green discussion with other saints.  When the train stopped and all the saints landed, they were so engrossed in the satsang that the bag was kept in the cart and Thakur ji kept it in the car.  In the fun of satsang, I got so excited that I forgot to bring Thakur ji with me.  After a long time when all the saints reached the ashram of that saint and the time came to get food offerings, those loving saint searched his Thakur ji and saw that there is none of our Thakur ji.  The saints became very distraught, wept a lot but Thakur ji did not meet.  He did not accept to take food grains water of Thakur ji. Sant became very distraught
Verse In the state of mind, which is attuned to the practice of yoga, and the state in which the mind is purified by the meditation of God, Satyadanandaghan, who is observing the divine, is satisfied in the divine.

श्री राम के दादा परदादा का नाम और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण बातें रामलीला से जुड़ी

What was the name of great grandfather of Sri Rama?  Otherwise know-  1 - Brahma ji got hurt,  2 - The son of Marichi was Kashyap,  3 - Kashyap's sons were Vivaswan,  4 - Vaivasvat Manu of Vivaswan. There was a flood in the time of Vaivasvat Manu,  5 - One of the ten sons of Vaivasvatmanu was named Ikshvaku, Ikshvaku made Ayodhya his capital and thus established Ikshvaku Kulaki.  6 - Ikshvaku's sons became Kukshi,  7 - Kukshi's son's name was Vikukshi,  8 - Vikukshi's sons became arrows,  9 - Son of Baan was Ananya.  10- Separated from the wilderness,  11- Hungu was born from Prithu,  12- The son of Trishanku became Dhundumar,  13- Dhundhumar's son's name was Yuvnashv,  14- The son of Yuvnashv, respecting him  15- Susandhi was born from Mandhata,  16- Susandhi had two sons- Dhruvasandhi and Prasenjit,  17- The son of Dhruvsandhi was Bharata,  18- Bharat's sons became Asit,  19- Son of Asit was born,  20- Sagar's son's

Thoughts of billionaires.

Success Mind Surround Yourself with people that push you to do and be better . No Drama or negativity. Just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy. No Jealousy or hate.  Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other.  अपने आप को लोगों के साथ चारों ओर से चारों ओर से घूमते हैं जो आपको करने के लिए और बेहतर हो। कोई नाटक या नकारात्मकता नहीं सिर्फ उच्च लक्ष्य और उच्च प्रेरणा अच्छे समय और सकारात्मक ऊर्जा कोई ईर्ष्या या नफरत नहीं| बस एक दूसरे में पूर्णतम सर्वश्रेष्ठ बाहर लाना|


            DON'T MAKE IT ABOUT MONEY             "I can't buy time, I can't buy love buy i can do anything else with money, pretty  much. And why do i get up everyday and jump out of bed and i'm excited at 89? It's because i love what i do and love the People i do with it". हिंदी में। यह पैसे के बारे में नहीं है "मैं समय नहीं खरीद सकता, मैं प्रेम खरीद नहीं सकता मैं पैसे के साथ कुछ और भी कर सकता हूं, बहुत ज्यादा। और मैं हर रोज क्यों उठता हूं और बिस्तर से बाहर कूदता हूं और 89 पर उत्साहित हूं? यह इसलिए है क्योंकि मैं प्यार करता हूं?  मैं क्या करता हूँ और लोगों को मैं इसके साथ प्यार करता हूँ "।

हनुमान चालीसा का पूरा अर्थ|

हम सब हनुमान चालीसा पढते हैं, सब रटा रटाया। क्या हमे चालीसा पढते समय पता भी होता है कि हम हनुमानजी से क्या कह रहे हैं या क्या मांग रहे हैं? बस रटा रटाया बोलते जाते हैं। आनंद और फल शायद तभी मिलेगा जब हमें इसका मतलब भी पता हो। तो लीजिए पेश है श्री हनुमान चालीसा अर्थ सहित!! ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ श्री गुरु चरण सरोज रज, निज मन मुकुरु सुधारि। बरनऊँ रघुवर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि। 📯《अर्थ》→ गुरु महाराज के चरण.कमलों की धूलि से अपने मन रुपी दर्पण को पवित्र करके श्री रघुवीर के निर्मल यश का वर्णन करता हूँ, जो चारों फल धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष को देने वाला हे।★ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके, सुमिरो पवन कुमार। बल बुद्धि विद्या देहु मोहिं, हरहु कलेश विकार।★ 📯《अर्थ》→ हे पवन कुमार! मैं आपको सुमिरन.करता हूँ। आप तो जानते ही हैं, कि मेरा शरीर और बुद्धि निर्बल है। मुझे शारीरिक बल, सदबुद्धि एवं ज्ञान दीजिए और मेरे दुःखों व दोषों का नाश कर दीजिए।★ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुण सागर, जय कपीस तिहुँ लोक उजागर॥1॥★ 📯《अर्थ 》→ श्री हन